Find love for someone you love
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GoBetween offers a fresh online approach to traditional matchmaking.
Unleash the matchmaker within you and find love for the ones you love.
Find love for someone you love.
Is there someone you care about who you’d like to see in a happy relationship? Would you like to help? Become a GoBetween in a few clicks and find love for someone you really care about.

Matchmaking made easy
GoBetween offers a fresh online approach to traditional matchmaking. Create a GoBe profile for your friend or relative, post it on the app, browse in search of your ideal GoBe and connect with their GoBetween. All contact is made via GoBetweens providing an extra level of security for your GoBe. All GoBetweens are ID verified.

Who do you trust to find you love? An algorithm or your best friend?
As a GoBe you can sit back and let your GoBetween do all the work. You know they have your best interests at heart. No more swiping, ghosting, unwanted advances or timewasting. You can choose to follow your profile activity on the app or chill out and leave it all to your GoBetween.

Don't have a GoBetween? A Solo GoBe can still find love.
You can still find love as a Solo GoBe. All contact is with GoBetweens only so you won't be able to connect directly with a GoBe but you can still look for a partner by becoming a Solo GoBe. Create your Solo GoBe profile and browse the app. If a GoBe catches your eye, you can ask to connect with their GoBetween.

Who we are
GoBetween is an app designed to help people find love for their friends or family members. A modern online approach to traditional matchmaking.
We all have a single friend or a family member we’d love to see happy in a meaningful relationship. It breaks our heart to see them alone. We know how great they are but they don’t seem to be able to convey it to others for whatever reason. Maybe they always look for the wrong kind of person. Perhaps they’re tired of the swipe right culture of dating apps. They may be short on time, lack confidence, had a bad past experience or simply given up on ever finding love.
Imagine a world where you can step in and do all the work required to find that special person for your loved one. … Become a GoBetween in a few clicks and start a journey in the quest of finding love for someone you really care about
How GoBetween works
You can register as a GoBetween and create a GoBe profile for a friend or relative. Once the profile is posted on the app GoBetweens can browse in search of a suiter GoBe. Once they’ve found one they can request to connect with their GoBetween. Each GoBe must be endorsed by a GoBetween and all contact is made via them. Once connected the GoBetweens can chat, zoom, get to know each other and even arrange to meet up. If they both agree that that their GoBes would hit it off then contact details can be swapped.
GoBetween Friends Group
GoBetweens can invite friends to connect and create a group to collaborate in a collective mission to find the ideal mate for their mutual friend. A group of friends interacting, browsing, commenting and chatting is a fun collaborative way to find an ideal mate for a GoBe.
Solo GoBe
If you don’t have a GoBetween you can still find love as a Solo GoBe.
All contact is with GoBetweens only so you wont be able to connect directly with a GoBe but you can still look for a mate by becoming a Solo GoBe.
Create your Solo GoBe profile and browse the app. If a GoBe catches your eye, you can ask to connect with their GoBetween.
What makes us unique
GoBetween reduces the time and effort usually required to find love on traditional dating apps by letting your friends do all the work. No swiping, ghosting, unwanted advances or time wasting. Your friends have got it covered. You know they have your best interests at heart and will sift out any shady characters providing you with an extra level of security. You can sit back and let it happen or you can have fun and get actively involved alongside your GoBetween.
Your GoBetween can invite other mutual friends to pitch in by creating a Friends Group who can actively work together making it a fun, supportive and collaborative way to find love for your friends. All GoBetweens are ID verified.